It’s no secret that Americans are low-ranking when it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Add to that demanding work schedules and unrealistic expectations, and burnout on the job can quickly affect anyone. Then when it does, exhaustion is bound to impact physical and mental health as well. Burn out also contributes to missed deadlines, rifts with colleagues, increased time off from work, and even increased health care expenses.
How Can You Fix Job Burnout?
Common Signs of Burn Out
- Excessive fatigue
- Increase in alcohol or substance abuse
- Decreased immune function
- General irritability
- Increased cynicism and emotional distancing
While job burn out can seriously impact your professional and personal life, it doesn’t have to be a permanent situation. Here are a few ways to get a handle on your burnout.
Discuss what you’re experiencing with your manager.
Identify possible causes and solutions that could provide you relief without impacting productivity. It might also be a good time to discuss and set boundaries.
Get help
Reach out to friends and family for support. As well, take advantage any employer programs and health insurance benefits that provide resources for therapy or counseling.
Practice self-care
Diet, exercise, and sleep all affect your ability to cope with stress. Lifestyle choices that positively impact your life can also reduce that impact that stress can have on your immune system and ability to fight disease and infection.
Consider taking mental health day
While you can’t walk away from your job, you can take measures to add leisure and pleasure to balance out your daily grind. Whether is a hobby or a favorite recreational activity, adding 15 to 20 minutes of activity per day can help you relax and protect yourself from burnout.
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