Employees, Employers, Workplace Safety
National Safety Month provides an annual opportunity for companies to educate employees and reinforce job site practices that promote safe behaviors, helping businesses reduce injuries and even deaths. Did you know that the total cost of work-related injuries in 2019...
Employees, High Desert Jobs, Workplace Safety
Lifting Safety Can’t Be Ignored In many workplaces, from warehouses to some offices, heavy lifting is part of the job. But it can also be dangerous, with back injuries accounting for one in five workplace accidents. If you haven’t held a recent training on...
Employees, High Desert Jobs, Workplace Safety
A lot of employees have a basic misunderstanding of the human resources department. They are not sure when to speak to HR about their concerns. Some believe that HR’s involvement ends when a new hire starts work, while others believe that the department is there to...
Employers, High Desert Jobs, Workplace Safety
Safety training is just like any other training. Too little, and your employees won’t know what to do. Too much, and they’ll start to tune out. The key to knowing just how much safety training you need to provide is data, but drowning in data causes its own problems....
Employers, High Desert Jobs, Human Resources, Workplace Safety
Safety culture has become an increasingly hot topic as we have come to realize just how big an impact worker attitudes and behaviors have on safety incidents. Yet, the way your employees approach safety doesn’t come out of nowhere. You can create a positive safety...
Employees, High Desert Jobs, Workplace Safety
Shift work can be tough on your body, especially if it goes against your natural rhythms. At best, it can leave you constantly groggy. At worst, it can actually put you at risk for health problems ranging from diabetes to cancer. Fortunately, there are ways you can...