Career Development, Employees, High Desert Jobs, Workplace Morale
Here are our 5 Essential Skills for New Managers Now that you have been promoted, you will need to develop a whole new set of skills. Whether you manage 5 or 50 employees, you will now need skills to not only manage employees’ work, but their relationships and...
Career Development, Employees, High Desert Jobs, Job Searching
Today, we’re going to focus on 5 ways to stay motivated during tough times. It’s time to turn those negative thoughts into positive action! You have a lot of potential – start recognizing it! You may not be built like a body builder or be mistaken for a...
Career Development, Employees, High Desert Jobs, Job Searching
If you are trying to find a job and you hear someone talk about your transferable skills, you might wonder what that means. It simply refers to all those skills you have developed throughout your life. Some of those skills go back to your childhood, and others you may...
Career Development, Employees, High Desert Jobs, Job Searching
So you’ve found your dream job and now you’re going for the interview. The best piece of advice is to be professional. People who demonstrate a certain level of professionalism are more likely to receive job offers, promotions, and raises. And they’re more likely to...
Career Development, Employees, High Desert Jobs, Job Searching
How to Get Hired Fast You’re ready to work, and you want that new job now. Looking for a new job is exciting, yet it also comes with challenges. These challenges are magnified when you want a job quickly. To help you, let’s look at some tips how to get hired fast!...
Career Development, Employees, Employers, High Desert Jobs, Workplace Morale
Do you want to learn how to build trust at work? Here are several tips to help build trust with both your coworkers and your superiors: Be honest and share information completely. Be straightforward and honest with everyone and expect the same in return. Be...