Every business owner should consider using training videos for a cost-efficient and engaging employee experience.
Think back to your most positive training experiences. Chances are the presentations incorporated video. No matter how charismatic or engaging an instructor is, they may not be able to reach their audience with 100% effectiveness.
That’s just one reason for including video in your approach. Here are five more.
Why Should Your Organization Use Training Videos?
Video is Cost-Efficient
There was a time when videography and video production were considered cost prohibitive. But when compared with the cost of bringing in speakers, video is a much more efficient use of your training budget. In fact, a report by software company Kaltura found that 52% of the 300 business leaders surveyed named “reduced overall costs” as a key benefit of using training videos.
Video is Versatile
Another selling point of video is its flexibility. You can use video as an effective tool for introducing your company, illustrating a process, amplifying employee voices and other goals. Not only that, but the customizable nature of video also allows you to tailor presentations to different groups and occasions.
Video Boosts Engagement
A study by Forrester indicates that people are 75% more likely to watch a video than read an article or an email. It’s not hard to see why. Visual and auditory stimuli affect different areas of the brain. The more your brain is involved in an activity, the more engaging it will be.
Training Videos Increase Knowledge Retention
Not only did the Forrester survey show higher engagement levels with video. The same study finds that our brains absorb 50% more with video. It’s clear that if you want employees to retain and apply knowledge, video could be the best medium for the job.
Video is Sharable
Sharing video is easier than ever, and this can be huge in your training and development program. This is especially true if your business is spread out over several locations. Using video can ensure all employees are getting the same message.
Get More Training Support
ICR Staffing Services isn’t just a way of acquiring talent. We also help you develop that talent. Take advantage of our business services for HR management, safety training, and performance management. Contact us today to learn what we can offer you.